IPv6 Ready Logo Test Lab
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Lab setup by Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) has earned a unique distinction of being approved by IPv6 Ready Logo Committee under IPv6 Forum which is an International body. This achievement is significant for TEC and the country as only 6 other labs in the world have achieved this milestone. India has thus joined the selected group of countries which include USA, China, Taiwan and Korea.
This test lab caters to Conformance as well as Interoperability testing of various software / equipment which have implemented IPv6. It has also the capability of examination of test results sent by other IPv6 Ready Logo approved labs. The lab also being assigned as responsibility of vice chair of Asia Pacific region by IPv6 Ready logo forum periodically and reviews all the IPv6 Ready logo results of region.
Government of India has taken several policy initiatives so that the service providers, content providers and the customer premises equipment vendors are encouraged to move to IPv6 address implementation. Setting up testing infrastructure is one of the objectives of National Telecom Policy (NTP)-2012. Establishment and designation of TEC lab as IPv6 Ready Logo lab is one such step which shall enable vendors/developers to avail the facility of internationally recognized test lab in India. Availability of approved lab shall promote end-user confidence in using IPv6 Ready Logo approved products.
TEC is now well positioned to play a catalytic role in faster uptake of IPv6 implementation in India as well as in International arena, thus fostering development of Next Generation Internet globally.
Ready Logo Program
The IPv6 Forum, a world-wide consortium, with a key focus to provide technical guidance for the deployment of IPv6, launched a single world-wide IPv6 Ready Logo Program (conformance and interoperability testing). The IPv6 Ready Logo Program is a conformance and interoperability testing program intended to increase user confidence by demonstrating that IPv6 is available now and ready to be used.
The IPv6 Forum has created the IPv6 Ready Logo Committee (v6LC), to manage the IPv6 Ready Logo Program. It comprises representatives from equipment vendors, service providers, academic institutions, IPv6 organizations, members from IPv6 Ready Logo approved labs.
IPv6 Ready Logo Phase Series – Phase-1 (Concluded) and Phase-2.
The IPv6 Ready Logo series of tests were progressively enriched, from a minimum coverage with Phase-1 to a more complete coverage with the Phase-2.
- Phase 1 (Silver) Logo (Concluded): This Phase-1 logo has been concluded November 2011. This Logo indicated that the product includes IPv6 mandatory core protocols and can interoperate with other IPv6 implementations.
- Phase 2 (Gold) Logo: The IPv6 Ready Core Logo expands the “core IPv6 protocols” test coverage to approximately 450 tests and adds new extended test categories. The Logo background color is Gold. The Phase 2 Logo has been available since February 16, 2005. The Gold Logo verifies optimum compliance because of the complete series of tests including the “MUST” and the recommended “SHOULD” for the IETF specifications testing.
Products that can obtain the Phase-2 Logo (Core Protocols)
- Host
- Router
Approved Laboratories
IPv6 Ready Logo Approved Test Laboratory provides a service to vendors for obtaining the IPv6 Ready Logo. Following are the approved labs:
For more details and policy for logo usage please visit http://www.ipv6ready.org
Application forms are to be submitted by vendors at two stages for IPv6 ready logo testing at TEC. Both the application forms should be submitted either by post or directly at TEC by the applicant.
The above application forms are for IPv6 ready logo testing at TEC.
After submission of APPLICATION FORM 1 the scrutiny of application form will be done at TEC. After acceptance of APPLICATION FORM 1, the APPLICATION FORM 2 needs to be filled and after completion of required payment, testing activities will be initiated at TEC.
After completion of testing in TEC lab, results will be handed over to applicants and the same has to be uploaded in IPv6 Ready Logo website for examination by the applicant.The applicant can choose any examination lab as per their choice.The examiner lab will examine the test results and send its report to the IPv6 Ready Logo committee.Certificate will be issued by IPv6 Ready Logo Committee after the approval of examined test results.
For more details please visit http://www.ipv6ready.org
For availing lab test facilities in TEC please contact
For more details and policy for logo usage please visit https://www.ipv6ready.org/?page=contact
How to obtain IPv6 Ready Logo
The process for obtaining the IPv6 Ready Logo involves going to a test lab. The tested product needs to pass 100% each of the appropriate conformance and interoperability test assertions. Testing must be performed in IPv6 Ready Logo lab on an IPv6-only network.
Application Procedure Steps
1. Review the test specifications from the IPv6 Ready Logo web site to confirm the product supports the necessary functions to perform testing.
2. Submit your product to one of the IPv6 Ready Logo Recognized laboratories for testing.
3. Gather the complete test report from an IPv6 Ready testing laboratory.
4. Review the Online Application Form on IPv6 Ready logo website.
5. Give selected IPv6 Ready Logo Laboratory the Application information.
6. Review your information and Confirm the Application.
7. When the Lab submits the results, an email will be sent to you as a confirmation and it will also include your Application ID.
8. Confirm the IPv6 Ready Logo Usage Agreement using the link in the email prior to the application review.
9. Once the Usage Agreement has been confirmed the lab will start the reviewing the application.
10. You may refer to the ‘How to apply via Online application form’ from IPv6 Ready logo website regarding checking or resubmitting you application.
11. The IPv6 Ready Logo Examiner on the IPv6 Ready Logo Technical Group will contact you in order to guide the examination process of your application.
12. Examination will be started by the IPv6 Ready Logo Examiner. If the applicant does not get any response within 1 month please send mail to ipv6ready-info@ipv6ready.org.
13. After review by the IPv6 Ready Logo Technical Group, if the tested product passes 100% of the appropriate conformance and interoperability test assertions the IPv6 Forum Logo Regional Officers assign a Logo ID and authorize the usage of the IPv6 Ready Logo.
14. Approved information of this application will be put on the IPv6 Ready logo website.
15. To update the information of an approved product (i.e. version no.), please send the following information to v6-appli[@] ipv6ready.org. For security reasons, we will email the original contact person as stated on the original application. The new information will be subscribed to the database, only when confirmed.
- Vendor name
- Product name
- Newest product information that you want to change
- Logo ID
Each applicant will receive an IPv6 Ready Logo ID to identify their approved Logo.
The IPv6 Ready Logo ID includes: Serial Number and, approved functional component(s).For details the website “www.ipv6ready.org’ may be referred.