Document Formulation Process

Document Formulation Process



Framing of any TEC Standard document   can be initiated after receiving a request from any of following:

  1. Department of Telecommunications (DoT)
  2. User groups including but not limited to Telecom Service Providers, Associations, R&D Organizations etc.
  3. Members of DCC
  4. Any requirement based on PPP-PMI (Preference to make in India).
  5. Any other Central/State/Autonomous Govt. agency/department.

Manufacturers can also request TEC to initiate document’s requirement for new /upcoming technology.

TEC can suo-moto decide to frame Standard document based on worldwide developments and trends in telecommunications and technology.

 After initiation and processing of document, the framing and approval of a Standard document shall be done with the approval of Sr. DDG/Head of TEC.



TEC Standard documents are framed for a telegraph, identified network element or network element family etc. Concerned Division in TEC may prepare an initial Standard document draft, after detailed study on the subject, consulting relevant journals, reports, recommendations and Standards/specifications issued by Standardization Bodies, such as ITU, ETSI, IEEE, CISPR, IEC, ISO, 3GPP, IETF, International Forums, etc., including inputs from service providers, other users of telecom equipment and services, manufacturers, via seminars and discussions with various experts, etc. This document shall be called TEC Initial Standard draft document.


  • Initial Standard Draft document prepared by concerned Core Division should be circulated to Members of DFC Group for comments via electronic mode. DFC Group members should furnish their comments on this initial draft document in a time bound manner (say 15 days).
  • Comments received from Members of DFC Group and MF are compiled and incorporated in the initial draft by Core Division for formulation of Pre-MF draft.


  1. The initial Standard draft document shall also be circulated to members of MF for their comments/suggestions prior to conducting MF Meeting.
  2. The comments/suggestions received from members of MF and DFC group, if any, should be  compiled by Core Division and incorporated in initial draft for formulation of Pre-MF draft.
  3. MF meeting should be conducted under the Chairpersonship of concerned DDG within 2 weeks of compilation of comments/suggestions from MF members, if any.
  4. The draft Minutes of the MF Meeting, with the consent of Convener/Director shall be circulated via electronic mode to the participating members for their comments, if any. In case, no response is received from the members within a week, the draft Minutes shall be considered as being deemed accepted by the members. Subsequently, the Minutes of MF Meeting shall be put up to concerned DDG for approval.
  5. In case, the comments are received after the approval of the Minutes of the Meeting, the concerned DDG may decide to include/exclude the same for DCC meeting.
  6. Recording of Minutes of MF Meeting, finalizing of draft Minutes and its circulation, compilation of responses, if any, approval of finalized Minutes by concerned DDG and circulation should normally be within 3 weeks after conduction of MF Meeting.


  1. The Core Division shall compile and incorporate the comments/suggestions of MF Meeting in Pre-MF draft for formulation of Sub-DCC draft.
  2. Meeting of DCC Sub-Committee shall take place within 2 weeks after circulation of Sub-DCC draft to Members of DCC Sub-Committee. Meeting can be convened earlier also, if required.
  3. All necessary documents shall be sent via electronic mode to all members, at least one week before the date of DCC Sub-Committee meeting.
  4. In the DCC Sub-Committee meeting, the Sub-DCC draft including comments/suggestions given by members of DFC Group, if any and during MF meeting shall be discussed and deliberated.
  5. Member or an alternate member, present in a meeting, shall represent his/her organization, and his/her opinion shall be treated as final view of his/her organization.
  6. All members are expected to come prepared for meeting. Members  are also expected to send their comments on the document, well in advance to help arrive at conclusions in the meeting.
  7. The draft Minutes of the DCC Sub-Committee Meeting, with the consent of Director shall be circulated via electronic mode to the participating members for their comments, if any. In case, no response is received from the members within a week, the Draft Minutes shall be considered as being deemed accepted by the members. Subsequently, the Minutes of the DCC Sub-Committee Meeting shall approved by concerned Director.
  8.   In case, the comments are received after the approval of the Minutes of the DCC Sub-Committee Meeting, the concerned Director may include the same for DCC meeting.
  9. Recording of Minutes of DCC Sub-Committee, finalizing of draft Minutes and its circulation, compilation of responses if any, approval of the finalized Minutes by concerned Director and circulation to members shall normally be within 3 weeks after conduction of DCC Sub-Committee Meeting.
  10. DCC Sub-Committee and MF Meeting may be held jointly with the approval of concerned DDG. In such case, single Sub-DCC cum MF draft should be prepared by Core Division and the Minutes of the Joint meeting shall be approved by concerned DDG.


  1. The suggestions/recommendations received during DCC Sub-Committee Meeting should be complied by Core Division and incorporated in Sub-DCC draft. The revised draft so formed, after incorporation, is called Pre-DCC draft.
  2. Pre-DCC draft should be circulated to all DCC members at least 1 week before the date of meeting after seeking approval of concerned DDG.
  3. In DCC meeting, Pre-DCC draft along with other associated information, if any, shall be discussed and deliberated.
  4. Member or an alternate member, present in a meeting, shall represent his/her organization, and his/her opinion shall be treated as final view of his/her organization.
  5. ll members are expected to come prepared for the meeting. They are also expected to send their comments on the document, well in advance to help arrive at conclusions in the meeting.
  6. Draft Minutes of DCC Meeting, with the consent of concerned DDG, shall be circulated via electronic mode to participating members for their perusal and consent. In case, no response is received from the members within a week, the Draft Minutes of DCC Meeting shall be considered as being deemed accepted by the DCC Members.
  7. Convener of DCC shall issue the Minutes of DCC Meeting with the approval of concerned DDG being DCC Chairperson.
  8.  After approval of minutes of DCC meeting, Pre-DCC draft Standard document shall be modified as per the recommendations of DCC meeting (mentioned in the minutes of DCC meeting). The document, so formulated, shall be called TEC draft Standard document.
  9. TEC draft Standard document, along with Minutes of DCC and related documents, shall be put up to Sr. DDG/Head of TEC  for approval.
  10. After approval of the TEC draft Standard document by Sr. DDG/Head of TEC, the final document shall be referred to as TEC Standard document.
  11. Concerned Core Division shall send approved TEC Standard document to RC division for verification w.r.t. template and checklist (Annexure-G) prior to uploading on TEC website. The Standard document shall be uploaded on TEC website thereafter.
  12. Hence, the formulation of TEC Standard document should broadly follow the Procedure as depicted in the following flow chart:


Flow chart for formulation of a TEC Standard